We have no Vacancies at the moment. Our next recruitment cycle will be announced later this year.
In the meantime watch this space for:
1. A Twitter thread of #FeministJobsList in the Development Sector from all over the world as curated by our team at KrantiKali.
2. A #FeministFellowshipsList and other active Job bulletins will be announced on July 31st 2020.
3. #FeministTrainersList
We are creating a roster for youth and experienced trainers in Menstrual Hygiene and Education, Gender Sensitization, Comprehensive Sexuality Education, Peacebuilding and Digital Safety. A form will be released shortly sometime in August.
4. #FeministConsultantsList
KrantiKali Consultant Roster, a list curating feminists in various fields such as Designers, Researchers, Photographers, Program/Project Managers and Coordinators, Business Developers, Social Media Strategists and Managers, Academicians, Editors, Writers, Policy Experts, Gender Sensitive Trainers, Journalists, Lawyers, Digital Safety Trainers, Web Developers, Coders and many more.
This list includes those who have applied feminist lens, tools and sensibilities in their work. It will be used in-house by KrantiKali and for public use for those organizations looking for feminist experts in various fields.
Should you choose to enlist yourself here we will be releasing a from sometime in early 2021 so keep an eye out for this space.
*Feminist Fist Bump*
Team KrantiKali